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Psychosocial benefits of activism include increased empowerment, social connectedness, and resilience. Yet sexual minority women (SMW) and transgender individuals with multiple oppressed statuses and identities are especially prone to oppression-based experiences, even within minority activist communities. This study sought to develop an empirical model to explain the diverse meanings of social justice activism situated in SMW and transgender individuals’ social identities, values, and experiences of oppression and privilege. Using a grounded theory design, 20 SMW and transgender individuals participated in initial, follow-up, and feedback interviews. The most frequent demographic identities were queer or bisexual, White, middle-class women with advanced degrees. The results indicated that social justice activism was intensely relational, replete with multiple benefits, yet rife with experiences of oppression from within and outside of activist communities. The empirically derived model shows the complexity of SMW and transgender individuals’ experiences, meanings, and benefits of social justice activism.  相似文献   
The purpose of this exploratory study was to expand upon previous literatures in public relations power, and fill the need for more scholarship regarding practitioners’ perceptions of social media work, power, and gender. Findings from a survey of PRSA members showed that there is a gendered difference in power perception between males and females regardless of their PR roles or level of experience, but social media expertise was perceived equally between both genders. We argue that while social media expertise may serve to reduce a gendered power divide in public relations, continued critical exploration of social media and gender inequality is necessary.  相似文献   
卢卡奇在《历史与阶级意识》中吸收了马克思商品拜物教的科学内涵,沿着以物化理论为核心的现代性批判和以资产阶级形而上学为对象的现代性批判两条路径,展开了对现代资本主义社会的批判。这种现代性批判路径既表明卢卡奇在一定程度上站在了马克思现代性批判的原则高度上,对现代资本主义社会进行了深刻批判,又可以看到卢卡奇深谙资本主义的社会现实,开启了西方马克思主义现代性批判的崭新路径。然而,卢卡奇的现代性批判理论又戴着“黑格尔眼镜”,使其从事的现代性批判无法摆脱形而上学的理论困境,依然没有达到马克思的原则性高度。  相似文献   
本文主要基于信号博弈的卖方欺诈行为进行研究,假设拍卖中可能存在欺诈型和诚实型两种卖家,其中欺诈行为有概率发生在第二价格拍卖中:欺诈型卖方冒充竞拍者递交仅次于最高价的报价从而获得额外收益。两种卖家根据各自效用选择拍卖形式:第一价格或者第二价格。而竞买者将卖者的选择作为信号,更新对卖方类型的判断,然后制定报价策略。这是一个买卖方信号交叉影响的过程。考虑到拍卖过程中买方价值相关性,本文在建立模型中参考了关联价值原理。针对该模型进行分析,得出了不同情况下的买卖方策略,并且研究了买方报价、买方判断、卖方收益三者之间的关系。文中利用贝叶斯公式对双方的策略选择问题进行预测,与单纯的概率分布方法相比,更具实践价值。  相似文献   
中国传统行政理论在长期发展中积累了丰富的内容,形成了完整的理论形态,并在明清之际达到了它近乎顶峰的极限状态,黄宗羲的善治理论就是它在这个阶段的重要代表。黄宗羲视域中的善治在内容及方式上,都延续了儒家传统主流观点。它在内容上首先要求圣王,即唯有圣王才能以“不忍人之心”行“不忍人之政”,所谓善治实际上就是“不忍人之政”;其次它还将善治的具体内容确定为养民与教民,“养民”就是使民足以事父母及畜妻子,养生送死无憾,“教民”就是用圣王学说教育民众,使民衣食住行都合乎礼;再次它还主张治理目的是使民皆“至于至善”和“止于至善”。中国传统行政理论的善治理想在现实中还有强劲的生命力,它既表现为行政的强烈伦理导向,又表现为一种主动作为的积极政府观,还表现为一种彻底的以人为本的人文主义。  相似文献   
纵观百年发展历程,在革命、建设与改革开放的关键时期,中国共产党始终高度重视以党内集中教育方式加强党的思想建设,推进管党治党,提高党的建设科学化水平,积累了宝贵的经验。有效开展党内集中教育,必须始终坚持以理论武装为首要目标和任务,始终围绕正确的政治路线和政治方向,聚焦党内突出问题,坚持以人民为中心的价值导向,坚持“关键少数”教育与“绝大多数”教育相结合,构建党内集中教育长效机制,不断巩固党内集中教育实践成效。  相似文献   
We apply a four-stage methodology (i.e., cluster analysis, data mining, partial least square path modeling, and importance-performance analysis) to identify the critical paths to multi-dimensional prosperity of nations. Using the Legatum Prosperity Index across 142 countries as a proxy for prosperity, we find strong evidence of the positive causal mechanisms among dimensions of prosperity. This implies that individual dimensions of prosperity should not be weighted equally in designing policies that support prosperity of nations. In line with human capital theory, we find that education and the pupil to teacher ratio are the key policy drivers of prosperity enhancement.  相似文献   
  目前社会化电子商务对用户分享行为的激励措施单一,缺乏吸引力,急需个性化的、有针对性的激励方式。社会化电子商务网站上,除了普通用户分享产品和购物信息外,一些电子商务卖家也分享产品相关信息以吸引消费者,拥有不同身份属性的用户被不同因素所激励。因此,为了设计个性化的激励方式,社会化电子商务平台需要进一步了解激励用户信息分享行为的关键因素的影响强度是否随着卖家与非卖家身份属性的不同而有所差异。         基于社会认知理论提出影响用户分享行为的关键因素,包括预期个人结果、预期社区结果和自我效能。采用目标理论,认为卖家为自我卷入型用户,非卖家为任务卷入型用户,并对卖家和非卖家不同身份用户的信息分享行为影响因素的差异建立理论研究模型。采用问卷调查法收集1 177位社会化电子商务用户的信息分享意愿及其影响因素的相关数据,运用Spss 19.0进行测量模型和t检验分析,以验证假设。         研究结果表明,结果期望和自我效能对信息分享意愿的影响强度在卖家与非卖家之间有显著的差异,卖家的分享意愿更多地受到预期个人结果和自我效能的影响,非卖家的分享意愿受到预期社区结果的影响。         研究结果拓展了社会化电子商务领域关于信息分享行为的相关研究,为后续研究提供了可能性。建议电子商务网站运营者在制定和实施激励计划时,应充分考虑用户的不同身份属性,有针对性地提供激励,以最大化地鼓励用户参与,保障网站健康发展。  相似文献   
理顺习近平关于“中国特色社会主义进入新时代”的逻辑理路,有助于系统论证“新时代”的科学性和理论性。从方法论上看,习近平新时代观是应用马克思主义立场观点和方法得出的正确结论。从理论归因看,中国社会主要矛盾的转化作为习近平新时代观生成的主要标志,源于马克思主义关于矛盾运动的基本理论。从理论定位看,习近平新时代观展现的是中国发展的特殊阶段,内含着中国对自身发展的时代定位与目标趋向,渗透着中国与世界在共同发展中的新阶段、新高度、新未来,是对中国发展方向的顶层设计。  相似文献   
With the recent increase in social work leadership literature, a few issues in research and practice have come to light. Social work research employs leadership theory derived from military leadership principles adjusted for application in corporate entities, which have decidedly different goals and processes than social work organisations. These models may be influencing the methods of social work leadership research such that study outcomes reflect business-based rather than human service processes and goals. A dearth of leadership education in social work schools and in professional social work settings contributes to a paucity of social workers in upper level administrative roles. A systematic theoretical literature review on social work leadership is conducted in order to generate a working definition of social work leadership and a series of multi-level social work leadership principles. Implications for future research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   
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